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What will you learn?

Explore new skills, deepen interests, and get lost in learning. What you find just might surprise and inspire you.


Material With Meaning

With so much to explore, the MBI empowers you to accomplish real growth.


Courses Designed For Real Life

Move your professional journey forward without putting life on hold. The MBI helps you find inspiration that fits your routine.

Available English Courses

FINTRAC Compliance Requirements For Mortgage Administrators, Brokers, and Lenders
Criminal Rate of Interest
Mortgage Application Fraud by Mortgage Brokers
Mortgaging Co-owners’ Registered Interests

Tax Risks in Buying From a Non-Resident
Subject-to-Financing Clauses
Super Priorities (Canada Revenue Agency)
Business Structures, Reading Financial Statements and Lending to Businesses

Employee Relations
Mortgage Math - Chapter 11: Using Math as a Marketing Tool
Mortgage Math - Chapter 10: Alternative Mortgage Products
Mortgage Math - Chapter 9: Mortgage Insurance

Mortgage Math - Chapter 8: Underwriting Ratios
Mortgage Math - Chapter 7: Repayment Options
Mortgage Math - Chapter 6: Unique Payment Plans
Mortgage Math - Chapter 5: Mortgage Administration

Mortgage Math - Chapter 4: Interest Rates
Mortgage Math - Chapter 3: Calculating Balance at Maturity
Mortgage Math - Chapter 2: Calculating Mortgage Payments
Mortgage Math - Chapter 1: Introduction

Ethics: A Practical Approach
Limitation Periods
Anti Money Laundering
Second Mortgage Strategies

Available French Courses

Impact de la COVID-19 Sur les Évaluations
Super priorités (Agence du revenu du Canada)
Formes d'entreprise, interprétation des états financiers et prêts à des entreprises
Mathématiques hypothécaires - Chapitre 1 : Introduction

Mathématiques hypothécaires - Chapitre 2 : Calcul des versements
Mathématiques hypothécaires - Chapitre 3 : Calcul du solde à l'échéance
Mathématiques hypothécaires - Chapitre 4 : Taux d'intérêt
Risques fiscaux de l'achat auprès d'un non-résident

Implication des courtiers dans les demandes de prêt hypothécaire frauduleuses